Events Calendar
We welcome everyone who wants to learn and share information about gardening on the third Tuesday of each month at 11:15 am from September 1st to June 30th.
The meetings include a brown bag lunch and a short business meeting to inform members about cub activities. At 1 pm, knowledgeable community members present a program on gardening-related topics at the clubhouse, 1645 High St, Eugene.
Programs are free and open to the public.
2025 Upcoming Events
March 22nd @6:30 pm
March 25th @6:30 pm
Speaker: Kacy Hayes
Intro to Carnivorous Plants
February 18th
Meeting 11:30 am
Building opens, business meeting, horticultural sharing.
Jessica Cuadra of Basil and Bees
January 21st
Business Meeting
Amateur Hour Photography Show
2024 Past Events
December 1st
Clubhouse Set Up for the Greens Sale!
December 5th - 6th
Greens Sale 9 am to 1 pm
December 7th
Annual GREENS Wreath Sale
9 am - 1 pm
December 19th
EGC Member Holiday Potluck
Door opens at 11:30
November 19th
Meeting 11:30 am
Building opens, business meeting, horticultural sharing.
Program Flowers by Taby.
October 15th Meeting
How to Take Great Pictures in Your Garden
October 20th
Field Trip to the University of Oregon Natural History Museum
September 24th Meeting
Welcome Back, Harvest, and Ice Cream Social
September 25th
Field Trip to Gathering Together Farm Tour and Lunch
See us at the Lane County Fair -- July 24 to 28th
EGC Monthly Meeting
June 18
11:30 am Building opens
Noon Business Meeting
1 pm Program Turtles!
Western Box Habitat Restoration around Lane County, with the Oregon Dept. of Fish & Wildlife Service
May 9th
Visit to Schreiner’s Iris Garden
May 11th
Garden Extravaganza Plant Sale
May 18 and 19th
Flower Show
May 21st
EGC Monthly Meeting
11:30 am Building opens
12-noon Business Meeting
1 pm Program Turtles
April 16th - Worms and Soil
Noon - Business Meeting and Horticultural Sharing.
1 pm - Program Worms and Soil
March 19th
Regular Monthly Meeting
11:30 am Building opens
Noon Business Meeting and Horticultural Sharing.
1 pm Program: Mums’s The Word!
“All Things Chrysanthemum” with Tamara Bailey, from the Portland Chrysanthemum Society.
Plan to purchase starts!
March 21st
Plant Nerd Night
EGC’s yearly “Plant Nerd Night”
Location - Eugene Garden Club, 1645 High St, Eugene, OR
Plant Program and Plant Sale with guests:
- Corner Store Nursery at Glenwood
- Shonnard’s Nursery in Corvallis
- Johnson Brothers Garden Market
- Basil and Bees from the Eugene Farmer’s Market
Time - 6 - 9 pm
- Doors open at 6 pm
- The program starts at 7:00 pm
Four nurseries will be on hand to talk about and display new things for our gardens in 2024.
Plan to attend!
Everyone in attendance will be given a ticket for a chance to win one of the plants that the nurseries give away.
**Plant nerd: one who is slavishly and hopelessly devoted to plants!!**
Cancelled Due to Inclement Weather
January 16th Garden Club Meeting
11:30 am - Building Opens
Noon - Business Meeting and Horticultural Sharing
1:00 pm - Program 'Worms and Soil'
Jan 10th
Clubhouse Cleaning
Jan 19-21st
Good Earth Home Garden & Living Show, Lane County Fairgrounds